A cultural phenomenon. Make sure your brand is a part of it.

A Cultural Phenomenon that Connects

Stories give people the power to communicate creatively and easily interact.


Over 500 million Instagram accounts use Stories every day.1


Across the Facebook family of apps, 1 billion Stories are shared every day.2


4 million businesses use Stories ads every month.3

Businesses are using Stories to express the creativity of their brand and inspire interest and action throughout the customer journey.


58% of people surveyed say they have become more interested in a brand/product after seeing it in Stories.4


45% of people surveyed prefer Stories for becoming aware of new trends.4


50% of people surveyed say they have visited a website to buy a product/service as a result of seeing it in Stories.4

More Space, Fewer Distractions

Stories make full use of the mobile screen, offering businesses an immersive, distraction-less canvas.

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In a campaign to increase online holiday gift sales, the ecommerce sock company ran video ads in Instagram Stories and saw a 2.4X higher conversion rate.

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Chameleon Cold Brew

Chameleon Cold-Brew lifted brand awareness by 3.3X when running a video ad in Instagram Stories with an interactive polling sticker plus call-to-action copy, compared to running a standard video ad in Stories without the sticker.

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Frito-Lay created made for Stories video ads that leveraged native interactive behaviors of Stories, like tapping and holding the screen to pause the ad, to boost awareness of a hot new snack product.

Try Stories Ads today

Awareness, recall, purchase lift, sales and more — Stories Ads can help your business drive beautiful results.

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