Turn any Instagram post into an inspiring ad.

Master the basics of boosting a post,
plus learn how to track success and
level up your ad strategy.

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Boost a post.
Make an impression.

In just a few clicks, you can create captivating ads that get people to take the next step with your business.

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Boost post
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Pick a post to boost.

Turn posts you already have into ads. Choose photos or videos that grab attention and showcase your benefits.

If you have a shop on Instagram, you can now boost posts that contain product tags. Simply tag your products in an image, video or carousel post, then boost it to create an ad.

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Select your goal.

Your goal is the destination that you send people to when they click your ad so they can take action.

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select a goal
Target audience

Define your audience.

Target people similar to your biggest fans, or zero in on specific demographics.

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Budget duration

Set a budget and duration.

Give your ad enough time and budget to help us find the best people, in the best places.

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define your audience

Avoid pausing your ad early so the learning phase isn't interrupted. If you want to make changes to your ad, you will need to delete it and boost the post again. Or, apply what you've learnt to your next campaign.

Ready to get discovered?