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29. joulukuuta 2020

Instagram Tools for Transparent Partnerships

TEKIJÄ: Instagram Business Team

San Francisco, CA

Creators provide incredible opportunities to highlight your brands, and break through the clutter. The best part of working with creators is ensuring your target audience knows about the presence of your brand. Having transparency that those partnerships involve payment, gifts, or product discounts builds trust between creators, consumers, and your brand that leads to increased consideration.

We’ve built tools that make disclosure of those partnerships safe, secure, and simple:

Branded Content Tag

We’ve recently expanded availability of the Branded Content Tag to Reels and Live, allowing creators to disclose their branded content partnerships with you across Instagram. Our policies require that any branded content on Instagram must include the use of the Branded Content tag. This process is simple and straightforward - allowing you to grant creator permissions and creators to officially tag your brand in the content they post.

Contacting Creators You’ve Partnered With

An important part of your partnerships is ensuring that the content of creators you’ve partnered with follows these policies. If you see that a creator has insufficiently disclosed a partnership with you, you should reach out to the creator either through directly messaging the creator or using your preferred means of communication with that creator.

Trademark Reporting Channel

Brands can use our trademark reporting channel to report content they believe infringes their trademark rights, including potentially untagged branded content if that content constitutes a trademark violation . To learn more about our trademark policy and how Facebook addresses reports of infringement, please visit our Help Center. We must all do our part to keep the branded content ecosystem healthy, and we’re proud to be home to so many meaningful partnerships.

TEKIJÄ: Instagram Business Team

San Francisco, CA