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Πηγή έμπνευσης, Παράδειγμα επιτυχίας, Συμβουλή

7 Απριλίου 2016

Growing a Business on Instagram: Wool and the Gang

ΑΠΟ: Instagram Business Team

San Francisco, CA

Before, fashion brands were at the mercy of fashion editors. Now we use Instagram to build out our personality and create stories.
Jade Harwood, co-Founder (@woolandthegang)

Powered by the belief that fashion should be made with love, and not mass-produced, co-Founders, Jade Hardwood and Aurelie Popper, started Wool and the Gang. A place for knitting lovers everywhere, customers can either purchase hand knitted items made by makers in their homes, or order kits that have everything they need to knit the items themselves.

On Instagram, the unique fashion experience shares stories of their knits, products, maker “gang” and other knitting delights.

It’s a great way to push brand awareness and new products. Instagram has been key to our growth and business model.
Aurelie Popper, co-Founder, Wool and the Gang

Watch how this London-based company uses the power of Instagram to grow its business and inspire knitters everywhere.

ΑΠΟ: Instagram Business Team

San Francisco, CA