Our products make it easy to work with creators

Expand your reach with partnership ads

Partnership ads let you amplify content from a creator's handle, providing access to millions of consumers in addition to a creator's organic audience.

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Enable creators to help sell your products

Increase discovery by using Shopping from Creators and partnership ads with product tags to drive customers from "see" to "buy" in just a few clicks.

Build meaningful partnerships with creators

With new discovery tools and additional partnership ad placements like Reels, we are constantly developing new ways for brands and creators to partner.

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example of Instagram's paid partnership label feature, showcasing a person holding sunscreen, from @kiana_imani's page

Disclose partnerships with the branded content tag

Ensure brand transparency with the paid partnerships label, which can be applied to any branded content in Feed, Stories, Reels and Live.

Adore Me is driving impact by partnering with creators

woman in swimsuit smiling and pulling sunglasses down

37% decrease in cost per incremental purchase

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Tips to get the most out of working with creators

Additional partnership ads resources

Even more ways to flex with video

Adopt a holistic video strategy to get even more out of Instagram.

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