Working on behalf of its invisible braces clients, MVF used Instagram Reels ads to increase return on ad spend by 3.8X.

Boosting sales with science

MVF is a global customer generation platform. MVF connects millions of customers worldwide to products and services through trusted digital brands and a huge paid marketing operation spanning over 30 channels.


higher return on ad spend with Reels ads, compared to business-as-usual ads


lower cost per acquisition with Reels ads, compared to business-as-usual ads


increase in conversions from all Instagram and Facebook ads 3 months after Reels campaign, compared to 3 months before Reels campaign


increase in revenue from all Instagram and Facebook ads 3 months after Reels campaign, compared to 3 months before Reels campaign

Thanks to the hard work of MVF’s internal creative and campaign teams in testing Reels, and the support of Meta, we’ve been able to drive significantly more customers for our invisible braces clients. Reels represents a great opportunity for MVF to reach new audience segments for our existing products, break new ground, and connect to customers in more engaging and native ways.
Boosting client awareness and sales

MVF wanted to find a new way to continue to drive sales growth for its invisible braces clients.

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Reels ads to grab attention

MVF’s main focus was to attract new customers quickly. MVF suggested testing Reels ads and discover if the format was more likely to resonate with the younger audience favoured by its invisible braces clients.

For the Reels creative, MVF produced a very simple loop, showing a clinically gloved hand holding a dental mould from an invisible braces kit. MVF sought to evoke the “unboxing” trend, with the product in the foreground and the packaging and other elements of the kit shown in the background on a table.

The campaign was measured with a conversion lift study that compared the performance of the clients’ usual ad creative to business-as-usual creative plus the new Reels ads. The Reels ads alone drove an additional 148 conversions.

The campaign ran between May 5–26, 2022, and the full results showed:

  • 3.8X higher return on ad spend with Reels ads, compared to business-as-usual ads
  • 82% lower cost per acquisition with Reels ads, compared to business-as-usual ads
  • 2.32X increase in conversions from all Instagram and Facebook ads 3 months after Reels campaign, compared to 3 months before Reels campaign
  • 2.29X increase in revenue from all Instagram and Facebook ads 3 months after Reels campaign, compared to 3 months before Reels campaign
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