LinkedIn France featured creators in Instagram and Facebook video ads to change people’s perceptions about the brand and increase intent to visit the platform, and saw a 6.2-point lift in ad recall.

Professional connection platform

LinkedIn is the world's largest professional network with more than 950 million members in more than 200 countries worldwide. People use LinkedIn to find new jobs, connect and strengthen professional relationships, learn skills to succeed in their career and gain access to knowledge and ideas.


lift in ad recall


lift in message agreement (“To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement: ‘LinkedIn is a platform for me?’”)

We were delighted to observe such an impact on people’s brand perceptions that went beyond our expectations thanks to our amazing collaboration with our media and creative agencies, iProspect and 84 Paris. Sharing knowledge-based ad content in Feed across Facebook and Instagram allowed us to engage with a much wider audience and ultimately drive higher intent to visit our website.
Connecting with new audiences

LinkedIn France wanted to launch a paid content campaign on Meta apps to change people’s perceptions of the LinkedIn brand and increase their intent to visit the platform.

Er is een fout opgetreden
Er zijn problemen met het afspelen van deze video.

Spotlighting creator content

For this Facebook and Instagram campaign, LinkedIn France sought to boost ad recall and other brand metrics, and encourage people to visit its website within seven days of seeing an ad.

The team at LinkedIn France’s creative agency, 84 Paris, then packaged the content as video ads by following Meta’s mobile-first best practices, such as formatting them as full-screen vertical videos, highlighting the LinkedIn brand early and often, and including clear messaging and captions for sound-off viewing.

One example is a partnership ad featuring creator Elise Fabing, a lawyer specializing in labor law, who shared advice on what people should do if their job is made redundant, and how to best prepare for offboarding and legal protections. The ad included the text overlay: “And to receive advice from Elise, who can change your life, follow her on LinkedIn.”

The team specifically developed The Social Series program to encourage people to connect with—and follow—the creators on LinkedIn, thereby increasing visits to the platform and helping LinkedIn build authentic relationships with new audiences. LinkedIn France's media agency, iProspect, provided support with the strategy and execution of the program.

The team showed the ads to French adults aged 25–45, including college graduates and people who have an interest in business, finance, news, careers, self-employment, emerging technologies and personal development. It delivered the ads in Feed on Instagram and Facebook, and used the Advantage+ campaign budget feature to automatically distribute the budget across the best-performing ad sets in real time.

LinkedIn France determined the results of its October 3–December 19, 2022 campaign using a Meta brand lift study, which revealed:

  • 6.2-point lift in ad recall
  • 4.4-point lift in message agreement (“To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement: “LinkedIn is a platform for me?”)
Create Ad
The French Social Series results are the testament that we have succeeded in demonstrating the unique value of LinkedIn—a community of professionals and experts that can help each other to grow in their careers by sharing their knowledge. By exporting the programme beyond France, we want to shine a light on our global community of experts and ensure we support our members all over the world.