The clothing and accessories retailer tested targeting Advantage+ catalog ads to customers of a single product category with products of other categories, which resulted in a 35% incremental lift in in multi-category customers.

Heritage made modern

J. Crew is a women’s, men’s, and kids’ specialty clothing and accessories brand that started in 1983 with the launch of its first catalog. After opening its first store in New York City, the brand has expanded to operate over 120 retail stores in addition to its ecommerce website.


incremental lift in multi-category customers

We leveraged cross-selling tactics for our customers who had only purchased tops to date—and were able to convert them to multi-category customers. The new approach drove up our average lifetime value and ensured that we had a key strategy in place to help fill out a customer’s basket with multiple types of items, which will be important as we tap into new customers long term.
Gaining more multi-category customers

J. Crew wanted to encourage customers who had only bought one kind of item before to expand their purchases across other product categories.

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Showcasing a diversity of products

While J.Crew was experiencing strong sales overall, the team saw opportunity within the customer file to focus on buyers who had previously only shopped within one product category, and attempt to broaden their wardrobe with additional items. It wanted to determine whether Meta’s ad solutions could encourage single-category customers to shop the brand’s other categories.

The team conducted a cross-selling test on Instagram and Facebook using Advantage+ catalog ads (formerly called dynamic ads) to boost multi-category sales. It created re-engagement campaigns using Custom Audiences to reach single-category customers, additionally filtering for women in the US aged 18–65 and excluding people who had purchased something within the previous seven days.

The photo ads showcased a diverse range of products, taking advantage of the carousel format to display multiple images. Shoppers could click on any of the images to learn more about, and purchase, the featured items on the brand’s website. On Instagram, the brand placed clickable photo ads in Stories. These ads featured a Shop now button that also linked to J. Crew’s website.

J. Crew used Advantage+ placements to allow Meta to deliver ads where they were most likely to drive the best results at the lowest cost. The team also used Advantage campaign budget to automatically shift spend to the best performing ad sets in real time. At the conclusion of the campaign, J. Crew used a conversion lift study to measure its results. The study revealed:

  • 35% incremental lift in multi-category customers
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We are very pleased with Meta’s ability to encourage our customers to purchase new product categories that they may have previously overlooked. Doing so will undoubtedly increase their brand loyalty and value over time.