French retailer Carrefour celebrated 25 years of business in Poland by boosting brand awareness with appealing Instagram Reels ads featuring a local food expert.

Freshness from France

The first Carrefour shop opened in 1960 in France near a crossroads (“carrefour” in French). The retail group now operates more than 12,000 hypermarkets and shops in more than 30 countries. It opened its first hypermarket in Poland 25 years ago.


lift in brand awareness by adding Reels ads to usual ads


lift in action intent among females aged 35–44 by adding Reels ads to usual ads


lower cost per lift in ad recall by adding Reels ads to usual ads

Adding Reels to our campaign proved successful with an increase in ad recall of 5.7 points and brand awareness of 6.5 points, both of which we measured with a brand lift multi-cell survey.
Raising brand awareness

As it marked 25 years in Poland, Carrefour wanted to test whether adding Reels ads to its regular placements would drive brand metrics such as awareness, recall and action intent.

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Reels with an influential brand ambassador

Carrefour decided to mark the 25th anniversary of its arrival in Poland with a series of TV and online ads with brand ambassador Kasia Bosacka, a well-known food journalist. Carrefour has long used video ads on Instagram feed and Stories to spread its messages, but this time it decided to add Reels ads to its campaign.

Reels ads are full screen and vertical, similar to ads in Stories, and appear in between individual Reels. As with regular Reels content, these ads will loop and can be up to 30 seconds long. People can comment, like, view, save and share Reels ads.

To test the effectiveness of Reels ads, Carrefour conducted a brand lift study, with Reels ads plus its usual ads in one cell, and its usual ads alone in the other.

The campaign ran from March 7–23, 2022, in Poland, and achieved:

  • 6.5-point lift in brand awareness by adding Reels ads to usual ads, compared to business-as-usual ads alone
  • 4.8-point lift in action intent among females aged 35–44 by adding Reels ads to usual ads, compared to business-as-usual ads alone
  • 37% lower cost per lift in ad recall by adding Reels ads to usual ads, compared to business-as-usual ads alone
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