To boost brand metrics among Gen Z audiences, the digital banking app partnered with creators and ran partnerships ads in the Reels placement, which lifted standard ad recall by 6.1 points among people aged 18–24.

Easy mobile banking

A mobile banking app from well-known Indonesian financial institution BCA Digital, blu aims to help Gen Z manage their money better. It provides 24/7 access to banking services, including money transfers, cardless cash withdrawals at BCA ATMs, bill payment and other offerings.


lift in standard ad recall among people who saw the campaign, compared to those who did not


lift in standard ad recall among people aged 18–24 who saw the campaign, compared to those who did not


lift in standard favorability among people who saw the campaign, compared to those who did not


lift in standard favorability among people aged 18–24 who saw the campaign, compared to those who did not

Through our partnership with Meta, we created a groundbreaking partnership ad campaign that utilized digital characters in conjunction with high-profile content creators for the first time ever. This innovative approach not only drove our business objectives but also allowed us to measure the results in a meaningful way.
Connecting with a younger audience

The blu by BCA Digital team hoped to raise awareness of its bluSavings feature and boost brand favorability, especially among Gen Z audiences in Indonesia.

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Experimenting with short-form video

The blu team often found it challenging to interest millennials and Gen Zers in the complex topic of savings, which is often viewed as difficult to understand and hard to achieve. Hoping to spread the word about the bluSaving feature—which helps customers manage cash flow and visualize both short-term and long-term funds—and resonate more deeply with a younger audience, the blu by BCA Digital team partnered with a popular creator for a partnership ad campaign that ran in the Reels placement.

The Reel showed a well-known personality who took the “bluSaving Challenge” by doing a workout alongside a virtual brand ambassador while talking about why it’s important to save money for the future and any unexpected expenses. The Reel was clearly marked as a paid partnership with blu by BCA Digital and encouraged people to download the app.

The blu by BCA Digital team worked with the media agency ADA Asia to set up the campaign, which ran across both Instagram and Facebook, and used reach and frequency buying and the awareness objective to deliver ads to the desired audience of people in Indonesia between the ages of 18–45.

To learn more about the performance of the campaign, the team conducted a brand lift study that measured the impact of the partnership ad on brand metrics by comparing responses from people who saw the ad to those who did not. The March 6–April 1, 2022 campaign helped boost brand metrics across all audiences, and especially with Gen Z, resulting in:

  • 4.8-point lift in standard ad recall among people who saw the campaign, compared to those who did not
  • 6.1-point lift in standard ad recall for people aged 18–24 who saw the campaign, compared to those who did not
  • 4.6-point lift in standard favorability among people who saw the campaign, compared to those who did not
  • 5.7-point lift in standard favorability among people aged 18–24 who saw the campaign, compared to those who did not
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