To reach more people, the South Korean cleaning brand tested various targeting strategies, and found that its campaign targeted to lookalike audiences of previous customers and Instagram Shop visitors earned a 33% higher return on ad spend.

Convenient cleaning wipes

Started in 2018, Korean cleaning brand All my way specializes in antibacterial wipes suitable for household furniture and fixtures like mirrors and faucets. The brand aims to provide affordable and convenient cleaning supplies.


lower cost per action from lookalike audiences of Instagram Shop visitors plus previous customers, compared to a lookalike audience of previous customers


higher return on ad spend from lookalike audiences of Instagram Shop visitors plus previous customers, compared to a lookalike audience of previous customers


more purchases from lookalike audiences of Instagram Shop visitors plus previous customers, compared to a lookalike audience of previous customers

Running this split test opened our eyes to the importance of reaching customers who find us on Instagram. Refining our lookalike audience targeting strategy to include our lookalike audience of Instagram Shop visitors has earned us a considerable boost in purchases and campaign performance.
Unlocking new audiences

All my way had created a large Custom Audience based on shopping engagement after running ads with product tags on Instagram for three months, and wanted to learn how to optimize its targeting strategy to reach even more customers and boost sales.

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Testing targeting audiences

The Korean cleaning brand set up an A/B test comparing two lookalike audiences. The first included a lookalike audience that was based on a Custom Audience of people who visited the brand’s Instagram Shop and a lookalike audience based on a website Custom Audience of previous customers. The second was based only on the website Custom Audience of previous customers.

The test campaign featured photo and video ads that highlighted the brand’s cleaning wipes, both using the conversions ad objective. While the photo ads offered a special discount, the video ads featured people using All my way’s products to clean glass, mirrors and television screens. All the ads included a Learn more button that linked to the cleaning brand’s online store. To make the most of its budget, All my way also used Advantage+ placements to distribute it ads across Meta apps, according to where and when they were most likely to perform best.

After April–May 2022 campaign, the A/B test results showed that targeting ads to a lookalike audience of Instagram Shop visitors and website customers was most effective, producing the following results:

  • 23% lower cost per action from lookalike audiences of Instagram Shop visitors plus previous customers, compared to a lookalike audience of previous customers
  • 33% higher return on ad spend lookalike audiences of Instagram Shop visitors plus previous customers, compared to a lookalike audience of previous customers
  • 29% more purchases lookalike audiences of Instagram Shop visitors plus previous customers, compared to a lookalike audience of previous customers
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