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20 April 2016

Worldwide InstaMeet 13 is here

BY: Instagram Business Team

San Francisco, CA

Since the early days of Instagram, people have gathered together for InstaMeets: offline meet-ups to connect, explore and celebrate creativity through photos and videos. As our community expanded and more and more InstaMeets popped up around the globe, the idea of a Worldwide InstaMeet started. This weekend from 22-24 April, join tens of thousands of people in every corner of the world for Worldwide InstaMeet 13 (#LifeOnEarthWWIM13). Because it's also Earth Day, the theme is celebrating the wonder and beauty of our planet together.

Businesses and InstaMeets

Businesses are no strangers to InstaMeets. In fact, companies around the world host their own to connect with customers on a more personal level and show what they're all about.

This weekend, to go along with the Worldwide InstaMeet theme, Rickshaw Bagworks, based in San Francisco in the US, is hosting an InstaMeet at its factory where people can explore and learn more about the manufacturing process behind its zero-waste Zero Messenger bag. Last year, TOMS hosted an InstaMeet in Venice Beach in the US, where Instagrammers cleaned up the neighbourhood near its flagship store while connecting and capturing moments. And other companies, such as Everlane and Bellerby & Co Globemakers, host multiple InstaMeets throughout the year to get to know more customers on a deeper level.

If you want to organise an InstaMeet for your business, let us know so that we can share your InstaMeet with other community members in your area. Or learn more about InstaMeets.

BY: Instagram Business Team

San Francisco, CA