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13 April 2017

Unfiltered: Looking at instagrammers through a biometric lens

BY: Instagram Business Team

San Francisco, California, US

We're eager to share a study we recently completed that centred around biometrics and Instagram. The research shows how people physiologically react to adverts on Instagram. For instance, by using eye-tracking, we found that respondents focussed their attention more on the image portion of the advert than on the other parts, such as the text associated with the advert.

Listen to our podcast that discusses how biometrics work and why it matters. And we also include a couple key marketer takeaways that you can apply to your business today. Take a look at the full article and podcast on our Facebook IQ site .

Source: “Biometrics Study” by MediaScience (Facebook-commissioned study of 100 people ages 18-65 in the US), Sep. 2016.

BY: Instagram Business Team

San Francisco, California, US