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4 May 2017

The power of passions on Instagram

BY: Instagram Business Team

San Francisco, California, US

Does technology have the ability to turn a hobby into a passion? Does having exposure to exotic destinations change the way people travel? Do sports fans want to see the personal side of players? Whether it's an interest in travel, sports, beauty or cars, we've teamed up with the Facebook IQ team to explore how and why people are using Instagram to expand their world and follow their passions.

In this four-part podcast series, we'll uncover insights from a recent Facebook IQ study that shows how people use Instagram to fuel their passions by allowing them to get unfiltered exposure to people, places and products from all around the world.

Take a look at the full article and podcast here, and see how industry marketers are doing more with Instagram.

Also, stay tuned for more insights throughout the year from our newest Instagram Business series.

BY: Instagram Business Team

San Francisco, California, US