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Inspiration, Success story

11 October 2016

Global Spotlight: Instagram in Indonesia

BY: Instagram Business Team

San Francisco, CA

We're a global wedding marketplace that connects wedding suppliers with engaged couples all around the world.
Kevin Mintaraga, CEO of Bridestory (@thebridestory)

After struggling to find quality vendors for his own wedding, Kevin set out to make it easier for other couples.

Based online and in its app, Bridestory, based in Jakarta in Indonesia, helps engaged customers find vetted wedding vendors at the best price. From florists and venues to photographers and caterers, couples can find vendors for local or destination weddings. "We started first in Indonesia, then expanded to Southeast Asia, and now we have around 20,000 suppliers that joined our platform from 65 countries – all because of Instagram," says Kevin.

As well as using Instagram to find quality vendors, Bridestory uses it to attract new customers. In fact, Kevin says that more than 50% of customers found out about Bridestory through Instagram. "Being in a mobile-first market in Indonesia, we decided to use Instagram adverts to grow our mobile app installs," says Kevin. "We achieved 50% lower costs per install compared to other channels, and in one month, we increased our app installs by five times just by using Instagram adverts."

Watch the video to see how this Indonesian start-up is using Instagram to grow into a global business.

BY: Instagram Business Team

San Francisco, CA