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11 de fevereiro de 2021

3 Ways To Turn Inspiration Into Action With Saved Content

DE: Instagram Business Team

San Francisco, CA

Business owners from around the world share the saved content fueling their projects, decisions and more.

Take a moment to tap Saved on Instagram and scroll through your saved content. Go on, take a look!

What do you see?

What we save says a lot about who we are and what inspires us. And that inspiration can help us unlock real opportunities.

In our new IGTV series In My Saves, we connected with 6 unique business owners to learn how they’re using the tool to source inspiration, discover new trends and more. (Update on October 5, 2021 at 10:00AM PT: IGTV and feed videos have been combined into one format, Instagram Video.)

Below are three ways you can use the saves feature to fuel your social content and support your overall business strategy. Not sure how to use Instagram saves? Here’s how.

Collect Inspiration

The saves feature is a great moodboard. If you found beautiful visuals from near or far in your saves, try bringing that inspiration into your plans for business.

Whether you’re launching a new product or looking to engage your audience with entertaining content, what’s in your saves can help you get the creative juices flowing and bring focus to your vision.

Bloom and Plume and Bloom and Plume Coffee owner Maurice Harris looks to bold and colorful images when planning a new project. As a florist, color and texture are always top of mind for him. “What I LOVE about Colors Stories by Stasia [an Instagram account that’s in my saves] is that she breaks down an image by color palette,” he says. “That's really good for me, because I'm constantly looking for interesting color combinations when working on new merch ideas or when thinking about how to paint my shop.”

Check out how Maurice applies inspiration from saved content to a diverse set of business ventures by watching his full episode here.

Collaborate with Creators

Imagine you’ve just launched a big product or service on your Instagram shop. Even if it’s a success with your current customers, there are lots of ways you can garner buzz and reach new customers, too.

Partnering with creators can help you engage new audiences and drive tangible results. But first, you have to find them!

For Kameron Mack, the creative director of Westbrook, the saves feature is a way for him to keep tabs on the creators he wants to partner with. “Creators and collaborators can find each other by seeing each other's work on Instagram,” says Kameron “You can see it, send a DM, and the next thing you know, you’re working together! It really speaks to the possibilities of being able to create with people that you’re a fan of.”

Hear how Kameron starts up conversation with creators that inspire him by watching his full In My Saves episode here.

Organize Projects With Collections

Let’s face it: Owning a business can often feel like a juggling act. Whether you’re working on multiple projects, managing multiple businesses or trying to find the balance of work and home life, organizing saved content into collections can help you focus on one thing at a time.

If this sounds unfamiliar, learn step-by-step how to create a collection here so you can start saving by theme, project or even business.

Buzzfeed Tasty video producer Rie McClenny uses collections to organize different aspects of her day-to-day. “I have ‘Japan’ folders. I have baby-related folders. I have food styling folders. Whenever I find something interesting on Instagram, I try to save it to a specific folder to stay organized.”

Watch Rie’s full episode of In My Saves here to get inspo for your own collections, and to learn other ways she’s organizing her content on Instagram.

DE: Instagram Business Team

San Francisco, CA