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23 September 2019

Business Spotlight: Confetti Crowd Inspiring Business through Inclusivity

BY: Instagram Business Team

San Francisco, CA

As a new fashion landscape emerges around a generation of mobile-first shoppers, we explore how Instagram is playing a key role in bringing brands and fashion shoppers closer together. In collaboration with behavioural insights practice Canvas8, this blog post spotlights one of three key trends impacting the behaviour of fashion consumers today – Inclusive Inspiration.

Whether it’s about size, ability or skin tone, inclusivity is now expected in the fashion industry. For the 1 billion monthly active users on Instagram, this means bringing together a broad spectrum of individuality and a variety of fashion communities all in one place. And for brands and influencers, this is opening up the opportunity to cater to individual styles in inclusive, inspiring and deeply personal ways.

With 50% of British women saying that low body confidence has affected what they wear, inclusive messaging is increasingly important. With Instagram primed for creating inclusive dialogues, these shifting sentiments mean that brands and influencers are expected to do more, as people look to them for inspiration in both their fashion and their values. Some 44% of UK fashion shoppers follow a brand for their content alone, as long as it resonates with them, suggesting that consumers are seeking out inspiration on Instagram from role models they can relate to.

Thankfully, groups like Confetti Crowd (@confetticrowd) are turning to Instagram as a way to include people in the fashion conversations they care about. As a collective of creatives, made up of fashion designers, artists and musicians, Confetti Crowd are a powerful voice in this burgeoning movement, combining an inclusive and supportive tone of voice with empowering and bold fashion aesthetics.

Driving inspiration

Colourful and conversational, Confetti Crowd nurtures meaningful connections with its audience, curating an Instagram Feed with a culture that champions inclusivity. Not only does it inspire people to embrace their individuality through bold fashion choices, posting palettes and patterns, but it also takes on campaigns that people care about. By opening up conversations around topics its audience care about – such as encouraging sustainable shopping or size inclusivity – it aligns the brand with the personal values of the fashion community.

Confetti Crowd Instagram Screenshot
Confetti Crowd Instagram Screenshot
Instagram is great because you can reach so many people, so quickly. And while people still love our fashion posts, we want to help people, too. The main focus on our Instagram now is sharing advice and stories that might help and inspire others in similar situations.

Instagram research has shown that 53% of global consumers will follow a brand for content alone if it resonates with them. It’s clear that creative and relevant communications create the opportunity for brands to connect more deeply with their audience. And when it comes to creating content that feels inclusive, the reach of Instagram means a wider set of voices can feel part of the conversation.

Creating space

Alongside driving meaningful connections, Confetti Crowd gives space for consumers to have a voice. Rather than prescribing inclusive narratives, it ensures that diversity is represented on Instagram through supportive messaging, encouraging its audience to adopt similar attitudes and get involved.

Confetti Crowd Instagram Screenshot

On Instagram, these posts can be turned into open conversations where influencers, followers and fans can connect over personal issues. Whether it’s Instagram Stories with playful behind-the-scenes footage of recent collaborations or speaking out on matters they care about, the women behind Confetti Crowd have cultivated a feed that turns their audience into a supportive community.

For us, a successful post is when it has a positive impact on people. When people say something we have posted has helped them that day or it’s made them feel more comfortable to talk about that certain issue. It’s about real, human impact, not just likes.

The future of fashion is not only about being inclusive and diverse, but also about helping to create spaces for people to explore their personal fashion choices and values. Confetti Crowd appeals to consumers who want to be part of this increasingly supportive environment – where listening, helping and collaborating with other individuals is as much a part of the experience as selling fashion.

Marketer Takeaway

With the fashion landscape becoming increasingly diverse and inclusive, individuals look to Instagram to connect and be inspired by a variety of fashion communities. Businesses have the opportunity to not only build communities around their brand, but drive connections with new audiences around their personal interests.

  • Turn inspiration into action. Tag your products in photos, videos and stories, and turn any of your posts into an opportunity to shop on Instagram. With 80% of accounts following a business on Instagram, make sure you use the setup guide here and try the best practices to keep people engaged on Instagram.

  • Tell your story using unique creative business tools and immersive formats that inspire action. Explore more courses that offer you the tips and guidance to get started with advertising on Instagram. Get started with free Blueprint online courses on here.

  • Be a distinctive voice in your category. If you want to learn more about how businesses are using Instagram to achieve real business results, use our Business Toolkit to help your business grow and keep up with the latest news on the Instagram for business blog.

Download our report, Fashion Forward, to discover key trends in fashion and see how brands are connecting with audiences on Instagram.

BY: Instagram Business Team

San Francisco, CA